Alienação Parental | Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation, Traditional Therapy and Family Bridges: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why: Part I of II
By: Demosthenes Lorandos. American Journal of Family Law. (2020), 33 (4), 415-423. 9p.

Abstract: The article offers information related to Family Bridges, an innovative educational and experiential program, aimed to provide precisely the kind of rigorous and disciplined intervention necessary to repair such a severely derailed parent–child relationship. It discusses how alienated children show remarkable, unjustified biases against their target parent, and in favor of the alienating parent. Part 1 provides background information.
Part 2 will cover Family Bridges program.
Subjects: Family mediation; practice of law; custody of children; guardian and ward; best interests of the child (Law)

Parental Alienation, Traditional Therapy, and Family Bridges: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why: Part II of II.
By: Demosthenes Lorandos. American Journal of Family Law. (2020), 34 (1), 9-17. 9p.

Abstract: The article focuses on parental alienation, traditional therapy and family bridges and evidence-based instruction principles to maximize learning and create a safe atmosphere. It mentions Family Bridges educational workshop rejects procedures that bypass critical thinking, such as repetitive lectures, suggestions, one-sided portraits of parent that attempt to persuade, influence, or program children. It also mentions conflict management for developmental and cognitive abilities. Part 1 provided background information. Part 2 covers Family Bridges program.
Subjects: Parental alienation syndrome; critical thinking; conflict management; cognitive ability; cognitive development

Parental Alienation and the Role of GALs and LGALs (Part One of Two)
By: Ashish Joshi. Michigan Family Law Journal. (2018), 48 (7), 20-25. 6p.

Abstract: Role of GALs and LGALs in Parental Alienation cases is discussed. Reviews the requisite knowledge, skill and experience the professional must possess in dealing with cases involving parental alienation.
Part 1 of 2.
Subjects: Lawyer-guardian ad litem; guardian ad litem; LGAL; GAL.

Parental Alienation and the Role of GALs and LGALs (Part Two of Two)
By: Ashish Joshi. Michigan Family Law Journal. August/September 2018, Vol. 48 Issue 8, p.17-22. 6p.

Abstract: Role of GALs and LGALs in Parental Alienation cases is discussed. Offers a checklist of best practices. Part 2 of 2.
Subjects: Lawyer-guardian ad litem; guardian ad litem; LGAL, GAL.

Alienación parental y su evaluación. Un análisis bibliométrico
(Parental alienation and its evaluation. A bibliometric analysis.)
By: Alejandro Mendoza Amaro, Fabiola González Betanzos, Alicia Edith Hermosillo de la Torre, Rubén Soltero Avelar, Mario Orozco Guzmán. UARICHA. (2020), 17, 1-14. 15p.

Abstract: A bibliometric study was carried out to determine the development of the concept of parental alienation and of the psychometric instruments designed to evaluate it. Seventeen databases were consulted using the term “Parental Alienation Syndrome”. 221 publications were identified in 89 journals in a period covering January 2000 to June 2017. The evaluation revealed that 90% of the published articles were narrative reviews of literature, clinical cases, and editorials, pointing to an early stage in research. No clinical studies that used psychometric tests to quantify the efficacy of treatment were found. Five psychometric instruments were identified in eight publications. This study provides a synthesis of the metric properties of the instruments, the methodology of the studies and the factors studied.
Subjects: Parental alienation, bibliometric analysis, psycho¬metric instruments, evaluation, child maltreatment.

Forensic psychiatry assessment during parental alienation claims:
two cases with different outcomes.
By: Roberta Pena, Hélio Lauar, and Alcina Barros. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. (2020), 00:000-000. 1p.
Abstract: When a forensic psychiatrist is appointed to assess parental alienation in child custody cases, the implications of this duty must be recognized. Firstly, parental alienation is not a diagnosis, but a legal term (described, in the Brazilian context, in Law 12,318/10). The expert should focus on evaluating the child’s functionality within family relationships and to investigate if any mental disorder is present. This brief communication discusses the underlying forensic logic involved in two claims of parental alienation in divorce litigation.
Subjects: Parental alienation; forensic psychiatry; child custody; Brazilian Law

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BAKER, Amy J. L. (2007). Knowledge and attitudes about the parental alienation syndrome : a survey of custody evaluators.  American Journal of Family Therapy 35(1) : 1-19. doi:10.1080/01926180600698368 BERNET, William. (2008).  Parental alienation disorder and DSM-V.  American Journal of Family  Therapy 36(5) : 349-366. doi:10.1080/01926180802405513 BERNET, William; VON BOCH-GALHAU, Wilfrid; BAKER, Amy J. L et MORRISON, Stephen L. (2010).  Parental alienation, DMS-V, and ICD-11. American Journal of Family Therapy 38(2) : 76-187.  doi:10.1080/01926180903586583 BESSETTE, Francoise T. (2008).  Disciplining divorcing parents : the social construction of  parental alienation syndrome (mémoire de maîtrise, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont.). 111 f.

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A ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA PELA IGUALDADE PARENTAL E DIREITOS DOS FILHOS tem por fim as actividades de carácter cívico, cultural, formativo e informativo, no âmbito da protecção e fomento da igualdade parental, nos seus diferentes níveis de intervenção – legislativo, jurídico, psicológico, mobilização da opinião pública, entre outros -, relativamente aos direitos dos filhos (crianças e adolescentes) cujos pais se encontrem separados ou divorciados.