Alienação Parental como uma forma de Violência sobre a criança
Parental Alienation as a form of violence against the child
- A apresentação será realizada em português
- Este Keynote Speaker fará a sua apresentação presencialmente.
- The presentation will be held in Portuguese
- This Keynote Speaker will be present at the conference
Father and lawyer. He fought for more than 17 years for the custody of his 2 daughters.
Of the first, now of legal age, he had unilateral custody from 2005 to 2013, after she was taken to another state without his or the court’s authorization. Today she has shared custody of her youngest daughter, currently 15 years old, after 8 years of much struggle, running through 3 Brazilian states when her mother also, in the same practice as the previous daughter, after the separation also took her to another state, first to the northeast of Brazil and years later to Brasília, destinations that the father only became aware of after the daughter was there, lasting a saga of a father for living with his daughter(s) that has consequences until today.
This last custody, shared, was achieved, even with the father living in Rio de Janeiro and the youngest in Brasília. The life story and the vocation of being a full-time father of the first daughter and seeking a minimum of coexistence with the second, made Paulo, who worked in the financial market, not only enter a law school, but also become a of the country’s leading experts on the subject.
He is a member of the Family Law Commission, and before the Child and Adolescent Law Commission, both of the OAB/RJ, in addition to being a member of IBDFAM (Brazilian Institute of Family Law / RJ), participating in debates, including in the media (TV and Radio), and giving lectures on topics related to Parental Alienation, False Denunciations Against Parents who fight for custody of their children, Alimentary Pension and, in particular, on Shared Guard, an institute that became a rule in Brazil through the Law 13.058/14, still not understood by many, including legal operators and part of the judiciary, with regard to the right of children of separated parents to a balanced coexistence of both their parents.
He intends to write a book soon that will tell about the themes and about his own personal (and professional) experience and that of other parents who go through the same saga in order not to lose their children after the end of relationships.